This is a helper function to prepare fully crossed conditions primarily for use with the conditions argument of conditional_effects. Automatically creates labels for each row in the cond__ column.

make_conditions(x, vars, ...)



An R object from which to extract the variables that should be part of the conditions.


Names of the variables that should be part of the conditions.


Arguments passed to rows2labels.


A data.frame where each row indicates a condition.


For factor like variables, all levels are used as conditions. For numeric variables, mean + (-1:1) * SD are used as conditions.


df <- data.frame(x = c("a", "b"), y = rnorm(10))
make_conditions(df, vars = c("x", "y"))
#>   x          y            cond__
#> 1 a -0.8612030 x = a & y = -0.86
#> 2 a  0.3716612  x = a & y = 0.37
#> 3 a  1.6045254   x = a & y = 1.6
#> 4 b -0.8612030 x = b & y = -0.86
#> 5 b  0.3716612  x = b & y = 0.37
#> 6 b  1.6045254   x = b & y = 1.6